
This is just a small collection of troubleshooting guides i've pulled together during my use of the V0.

Screen i2c Timeout

This is a very common issue and usually when using the encoder knob on the v0 simple display it will crash Klipper with an I2C timeout error, this can also occur mid-print with no input what so ever however this is far less common.

You can fix this by replacing your [display] section in your printer.cfg file with the following block:

lcd_type: sh1106
click_pin: ^!PA15
#i2c_bus: i2c1a
#i2c_mcu: mcu
encoder_pins: ^PC1, ^PC2
kill_pin: ^!PB12
vcomh: 60
x_offset: 2
i2c_software_sda_pin: PB9
i2c_software_scl_pin: PB8

This should solve the issue, there is still a chance of getting a NACK (Not Acknowledged) I2C error but this is rare and usually only when spinning the encoder excessively quickly.

M36 Toolhead: Excessive temperature reading.

There is a known issue with the M36 seemingly overheating, on inspection there is no temperature issue and its over reporting, removing the PWM (yellow wire usually) wires from your part cooling fans will usually resolve this issue.

If these documents helped you, consider buying me a coffee to say thanks.

Last updated